Our Firm - since its foundation (1984) - is dealing with the development, manufacturing, erection/installation and servicing of shot blasting equipment.
In our machine selection we have a lot of standard solutions. But our product range is much more wider. We provide for our customers special purpose and custom size machines based on their demands and needs.
We supply long life wear-parts - besides our own types - to the most well known international brands of blasters.
Our servicing team looks after the service activities under and after the guarantee period, and they are dedicated for the on-site repairs or renovation works of either other suppliers' machines.
We offer the appropriate abrasive media to every shot-blasting task. Besides our regular abrasive media sales we also sell abrasive materials for water jet cutting machines (garnet sand). We can supply the most diverse types of abrasives from stock, or - at least - with a short delivery time.
Besides standard, typical machines our firm also produce custom-built shot-blasting machines meeting particular requirements. These special machines get designed and produced on the basis of customer's claimes.
Általában a specialitást a munkadarab különleges tulajdonságai, az elérni kívánt végcél, az extrém méret, vagy kapacitásigény jelenti.
It is practical to choose wet dust filter when the usage of dry dust filter is not optimal due to any reason such as temperature of polluted air is too high, dust contains sparkling particles, filtered air is filled with steam or liquid drops, dust is flammable and explosive.
The equipment is capable of separating toxic and carcinogenic dust. Due to intensive gas-liquid contact it is a good choice for absorbtion tasks f.e. separating/filtering out bleach, ammonium, acidic vapours.
József Turák
+36 76 815 924
Zsolt Turák
+36 76 815 922
Balázs Pálfi
+36 20 519 0717
Antal István Sarok
Commercial Manager (Machines)
+36 76 815 933
Sándor Kovács
Division Manager (Blasting media)
+36 76 815 923
Imre Nagy
Service Division Manager
+36 76 815 945
H-6000 Kecskemét
Paul Lechler utca 3.
+36 76 815 900
Fax: +36 76 815 901
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